Saturday, April 9, 2011

Psycho shopping....

It has become a very dangerous affair to go out on weekends, when every possible human being is out there looking for something to buy for a better bigger lifestyle.............malls, shopping streets, room!!!! It is amazing how every one is out there. I remember, when I was a kid, weekend was about being together, cleaning up, a delicacy cooked by mom, dad cleaning his scooter. Morning would start with breakfast over our favorite Rangoli on Doordashan channel with cartoon following and mom cooking up something real nice and all of us watching Mahabharat. A nice nap and a nice regional movie in the afternoon..........what a wonderful its all about upgrading our homes, ourselves with numerous shopping trips.........hmmmm............


  1. you r right dear....I don't think we find all those experiences and moments for our next generation....!

  2. sad situation.........a beer mug binds us together not a cup of chai over a rainy day...

  3. Nice illustrations! Like like! And a nice post altogether! :)
